Two Guides | Bill's Work | Architect of Infinite Games
Bill's Service Roles

Architect of Generative Change

Bill Veltrop's primary work over the last 30 years has been to serve as an "architect" for organizational transformation, learning and change initiatives, usually within large corporations.

An architect, in the context of this web site, is one who brings much creativity, experience and design expertise into a challenge/opportunity area, but crafts potential "solutions" from artful interactions and gatherings with key representatives of all the stakeholders affected. An effective architect delights in co-evolving (with stakeholders) a design and path forward that transcends seemingly insurmountable barriers and actualizes the visions of the diverse parties involved and/or affected.

At this stage in my career I'm particularly interested in developmental initiatives that pioneer new territory, both within and across existing organizational systems. I work with leaders who are committed to achieving breakthroughs in their organization's capacity-building capacity — with systems where there is a clear commitment to developing a capacity to evolve in the face of emerging challenges and opportunities. I see myself increasingly serving as a developer of internal architect expertise while supporting organizational capacity-building initiatives.

Generative Capacity-Building as a Core Organizing Strategy begins to sketch out the business case for reinventing the work of development in organizations. Generative Capacity-Building—The Offering highlights one way Bill's role as an architect of generative change might play out within or across organizations.

10X Leadership Coach

We must be the change we seek in the world — Gandhi

Gandhi gets to the heart of the matter. But what does it take to "be the change" you seek in the world? Changing our thinking, doing and being patterns is not for sissies — and it's not a solo undertaking.

I delight in working with leaders who are committed to transforming the systems they serve and are ready to be the change they want in those systems. Through the years I've come to learn that systemic transformation requires leadership transformation and that leadership transformation requires systemic transformation. As within, so without. As without, so within.

Without Core Work systemic change is hollow and there is a high risk of unsustainability. Core work (inner, relational and circle/community work) without the corollary systemic changes may support individual transformation but will create a tension between the emerging individual values and those implicit in an traditional system. One secret to ultra-high leverage change work is to approach any change or capacity-building initiative as a combined systemic and individual development challenge/opportunity. Starting at the top (of any reasonably autonomous organizational unit) is always good practice.

My work with leaders always begins with their deepest commitments: What are they passionate about? What is the lasting difference they want to make in their world? What legacy do they want to leave? Why is this important to them?

One of Bill's special gifts is the capacity to see the infinite player in others and then to serve as a midwife to the emergence process. His approach tends to be both appreciative and challenging, building on their unique gifts and taking their game to an entirely different level.

He focuses on supporting leaders in weaving a natural sustainable web of support for both themselves and for the systems they serve. He judges his effectiveness as a coach and architect by what lives and evolves after he is no longer involved.

10X Leadership Coaching — The Offering provides a more detailed description of the who, what, and how of Bill's approach to 10X coaching.